The Place to Piep
As timeless as the architecture: still photogenic and in demand even after almost 20 years…
Birdhouses Vorarlberger BaukunstAs timeless as the architecture: still photogenic and in demand even after almost 20 years…
Birdhouses Vorarlberger BaukunstThe current magazine inspires under the title “More than beautiful” with articles and food for thought on the subject of sustainability. What is more sustainable than restoring 200-year-old pieces of furniture for current use? A short report on the exhibition of aesthetic canapés in the atrium of the vorarlberg museum in the news section. Thanks to Christine Wolf!
The canapé ...Autor: Dennis Krause
Around 45 projects in this book illustrate how functional relevance in terms of content can be combined with high design quality in public buildings.
We are happy to be in with our
Firestation Hohenweiler/AustriaFoto: Petra Rainer
Vorarlberger MuseumsweltStefan Meidl / Sebastian Loher
Authors Stefan Meidl / Sebastian Loher
DOM Publishers
Foto: Petra Rainer
to projectHeike Schlauch raumhochrosen was included among the list of women architects featured on
This fast-growing map is meant to be both a source of inspiration for young professionals and a directory available to anyone who is interested in a fairer representation of the work of women in architecture (such as journalists, professional bodies, event organizers, academics, jury panel organizers, etc.). RebelArchitette is a creative collective willing to provide a fairer landscape of role models in architecture for the future generation of architects.
was recently published on the platform and is presented in the current newsletter.
Fire station Hohenweiler/AustriaAutor: Wojtek Czaja
18 architects comment on their living experience during the corona crisis.
Mine: Are we experiencing a new Biedermeier?
Autorin: Edith Schlocker
Go to article:
Zum Artikel in Leben und Wohnen
Fire station Hohenweiler/Austria PDFA new focus of the retrospective invites leading architects in this year’s inauguration.
Pförtnerhaus, Reichenfeld
A – 6800 Feldkirch
PDF“How do you imagine your living in old age?” Collection, exchange and suggestion of possible scenarios.
Pförtnerhaus, Reichenfeld
A – 6800 Feldkirch
PDFFire brigade station Hohenweiler/Austria
Feuerwehr trifft auf Architektur!
Depot Hall of the Regional Firebrigade Museum
to project PDFKammer der ZiviltechnikerInnen Österreich
The publication offers an over-view of those architectural firms, that were presented on ‘architektur in progress’ lectures during the past 20 years.
Herausgeber: architektur in progress
Verlag für moderne Kunst
Vorarlberger Museumswelt, Frastanz/Austria PDFArchitekturzentrum Wien
This book presents projects, which were awarded with architecture prizes in 2016 and 2017.
to projectLightweight steel system “Transformer” (Knauf Cocoon) for the first time in use in Germany
Centrolino Kid´s World, Oberhausen PDFArchitekturzentrum Wien
This book presents projects, which were awarded with architecture prizes in 2014 and 2015.
Tom´s HutVerena Konrad
Article about Vorarlberger Museumswelt, Frastanz
Vorarlberger Museumswelt PDFpublication of all prize winner at the best architects award 16
to project PDFarticle about the exhibition Memory Tree
to projectFlorian Aicher
Luxus-Restaurants und komfortable Einfamilienhäuser für Zweiflügler
to projectpublication of symposium ‘Raumfinden’
to projectContribution about the Bird Houses
to projectarticle about the exhibition
article about housing project Brielgasse
to projectHouse Watzenegg
to projectcompetition entry 3rd Prize
Kinderland Westside
to project PDFSchubkasten
to projectGirls Youth Centre Amazone
to projectContribution aha Dornbirn
to projectBird Houses
to projectarticle about ‘Zeichnerisches Element’
to projectarticle about House Watzenegg
to projectcontribution House Watzenegg
to project